HERE’S your chance to help Dorset’s troops fighting on the frontline in Afghanistan.

The Dorset Echo is launching a Treats for Troops campaign to provide every soldier, sailor and airman serving on the frontline a shoebox packed with morale-boosting goodies.

We’ve joined forces with the Dorchester Comfort Box Appeal to send as many parcels as possible to soldiers that are fighting in the British Armed Forces.

Now we’re appealing for all Dorset’s businesses and residents to help us by donating toiletries, sweets, gifts, and fun items to fill the boxes.

Dorset Echo editor Toby Granville said: “Right now it’s a crucial time for our troops and they need the support they can get so we are appealing to the community to give generously to boost their morale with some treats for the troops.”

From next week we will be distributing special shoebox collection bins in supermarkets and shops to make it easier for you to donate.

If you want to pack a shoebox yourself it only takes minutes to fill it with items that will make a real difference to a soldier stationed in Afghanistan living off of rations everyday.

Letters of thanks from soldiers have been pouring into the Echo to tell us how much the boxes mean to them.

The troops have specially requested letters so that they can hear what’s happening at home and know who donated the box.

Shoeboxes can be donated at any Dorset Echo office, at the Granby Industrial Estate, Weymouth, Antelope Walk, Dorchester, or East Street Bridport.

If you are a shop owner or business and can display a shoebox collection appeal bin, please get in touch.

Contact Miriam Phillips on 01305 830985 or send an email to