At the summer meeting of Bradford Peverell Parish Council the subject of signage was discussed.

A letter has been received from Richard Stubbs confirming that there would be a sign erected at Giles Cross indicating Bradford Peverell and pointing Dorchester traffic up Tilly Whim to the Friary Press junction with the A 35.

This would hopefully discourage traffic from using the narrow Poundbury Road to Dorchester.

There will be no additions to the 'A 37' sign outside the Village Hall.

A new sign at Muckleford Crossroads would indicate the direction to the hamlet plus Winterborne Abbass to the west and indicating Stratton, Grimstone and Bradford Peverell in the other direction towards the A 37 discouraging the use of the narrow Muckleford Lane to Bradford Peverell.

Councillors felt that some of these names were unnecessary and Mr Stubbs would be contacted again.

The problem of traffic using Muckleford Lane when the A 37 is closed was also reviewed and severeral suggestions made.

More enquiries will be made about this.

It was reported that several of the trees on the central reservation near Ash Hill railway bridge had been severely lopped as they had been deemed as less than safe by inspectors.

They are now showing signs of new growth.

The Parish Maintenance Unit have managed to get some repairs done but are behind because of extra snow damaged to roads.

Grass verges have been cut to improve visibility.

There are several overgrown hedges in the Village and owners are being contacted as the growth is restricting width and visibility.

Cllr David Ackerman is anxious to revise the Parish Plan and is contacting the original steering group.

Various payments were authorised and the next meeting is on Thursday 3rd September.