Now that Spring has arrived at long last we must think about Autumn!

The Bradford Peverell Village Show is on September 11th which may seem a long way away but a bit of planning is called for!

The theme of the show in September will be "Wood" and the committee is already planning classes using wood, sticks bark etc.

However the 'big competition' involves growing 'walking stick' cabbages which were traditionally grown on the Channel Islands and can be turned into - yes you are right - walking sticks!

They can grow up to 10 feet in 2 years but for the purposes of this competition the object is to see how tall they grow in the first year.

Some of the Village Hall committee have started some seeds off and hope to have plants available at the Wives' Group Coffee morning on Saturday 24th April.

If you cannot make this date then give Sue (01305 268156) or Anne (01305 269266) a call or if you want to buy your own we are growing Thompson and Morgan seeds.

So there is the challenge - see if you can grow a champion walking stick!

Note too that there is a Gardening and Cookery Fun Quiz on Saturday 15th May in the Village Hall so make a note of the date now and Happy Gardening!