WEYMOUTH'S popular summer panto is back!

Pirates of the Pavilion are setting sail once again this summer, beginning tonight at 6pm and continuing on select until August 28.

This will be the sixth year the swashbuckling production has visited the resort, every year with a new storyline.

This year, it's time for a brand new Egyptian adventure as the pirate crew set sail for Egypt on a mission to return the Ribena Ruby to its rightful place, deep within the tomb of Pharaoh Rocher!

But it's not all plain sailing as the Ruby holds untold magical powers and villains from all around the world are desperate to get their hands on it!

It'll be up to Seadog Billy and his crackpot crew to look after the jewel and return it to it's rightful 'mummy'! They'll have to be careful though, as the tomb is guarded by The Mighty Kong - only the chosen one can enter the tomb and return the Ribena Ruby!

See weymouthpavilion.com for full details of performance dates and times.