JULIAN Francis has recently published a book on the life and art of Tom Chadwick who was born in 1912 and was killed at the Battle of El Alamein in October 1942 while serving with the Third Hussars.

Tom Chadwick is a relatively unknown artist though his name carries a mystique based solely on his work, although there are less than 30 known engravings.

Fellow students held his work in awe and the head of the Grosvenor School of Modern Art, Iain Macnab, said that Chadwick was his finest pupil.

His time at the school is detailed in the book, and his paintings and wood engravings reflect his travels to exotic places during the 1930s before he joined up in 1939. Chadwick had a phenomenal technical grasp of texture and pattern, and his finest work displays an unequalled intricacy of design.

Julian’s illustrated talk on Tom Chadwick takes place at Dorset County Museum on April 18 at 7.30pm.

Entry is free but a donation of £3 is encouraged to cover costs – everyone is welcome and there is no need to book.