ENJOY an evening of storytelling, music and song with two of the country's most dynamic performers, thanks to a brand new tour of The Liberty Tree.

For more than 600 years, stories of Robin Hood have held sway in the English imagination. With Little John, Will Scarlet, Much the miller’s son, Friar Tuck and the rest of the Merry Men, Robin Hood inhabits a place in the leafy shadows of our minds – somewhere where it’s always high summer, where venison is always being roasted, where tyranny rides roughshod over the green freedoms of England and where the wrongs and injustices of the world are mended by subversion and trickery.

Two of Britain’s leading storytellers, Hugh Lupton and Nick Hennessey, sing and tell their way deep into the secret, dappled heart of Sherwood and at the same time, tell the true and harsher histories of English dissenters, tricksters and radicals, in their show The Liberty Tree.

See The Liberty Tree in Chetnole (01935 873555) on Friday, November 23, Blandford (01258 452074) on Saturday, November 24 and Sandford Orcas (01963 220208) on Sunday, November 25. The sessions are suitable for adults and children aged 12 and above, further information and tickets are also available from www.artsreach.co.uk