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Anthony (Tony) Joseph Cash

Published on 12/07/2024

CASH Anthony (Tony) Joseph MNM Tony's family would like to thank all those who sent Mass cards, cards and messages of sympathy and to all those who attended Tony's funeral and for the very generous donations made in Tony's memory to the St Vincent de Paul Society at St Joseph's Church, Weymouth. Our grateful thanks to Father Anthony O'Gorman, Deacon Geoffrey Carey and Sister M Cecily for the beautiful funeral service and to the Parishioners at Our Lady Star of the Sea, Weymouth for their kindness and support. To Tony's many friends and to the members of the Weymouth and Portland Merchant Navy Association we are so grateful for your friendship, adventure and support you gave to Tony and to us. We would like to thank the Community Matron and Nursing Teams and all of the Carers who supported Tony whilst he was living at home. We are so grateful to every member of staff at Weymouth Manor Care Home who enabled Tony to live his last year of life to the full and to the Residents for their friendship to Tony you gave us so many precious memories and your care and kindness will never be forgotten. Our thanks go to Nathan Westwood and to all of the staff at Cotton & Son Funeral Directors for their professionalism, care and compassion during this sad time. Please accept this acknowledgement as a personal message of appreciation.


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