DISMAYED councillors want to know why their decisions are being scrapped.

Members of Weymouth and Portland Borough Council who have the power to approve or refuse planning applications say there has been a recent spate of their decisions being overruled.

When proposals are rejected applicants can lodge an appeal with the planning inspectorate.

But Coun Bill White is worried that if inspectors keep on overruling the council it will dent public confidence in the system.

He will urge the council to lobby MP Jim Knight over the issue and take it up with central government.

Coun White said: "At least two large planning applications which the council refused have been overturned by the planning inspectorate.

"I'm not saying anything has been done illegally - it's all quite legal - but it's really rather sad that we can't have decisions upheld when they have been made in accordance with our local plan."

Coun White says the planning committee is acting in the public's best interests by making decisions based on the local plan, a guide to promote development and protect the area's natural and built environment.

He said: "We have been refusing permission on the grounds the plans do not comply with our local plan.

"But as soon as they go to the planning inspectorate the refusals are being overturned and permission is being granted." He added: "If the decisions of the planning committee are not upheld it really does seem to be making the whole process pointless.

"I want to find out why the planning inspectorate seems to be so keen on overriding us."

Coun White's proposal has the backing of planning committee member Coun Christine James and will go before a meeting of the full council on Thursday.

In the meeting agenda, Coun White states: This council views with dismay the recent over-ruling of decisions made by the planning committee, relating to applications that involved the provision of open spaces in housing developments.

If they continue to be set aside, public confidence in the system will be severely damaged.'