A 14-year-old girl was so drunk she collapsed unconscious at a Weymouth beauty spot.

Police launched a search after the teenager was spotted alone late at night in the Nothe Gardens. She was taken to hospital.

The incident has triggered calls for tighter controls on the selling of alcohol to under-age teenagers and to a warning from police about the dangers of teenagers drinking too much.

The search was sparked when police received a late-night call from a friend of the girl.

The pair had been with a gang of teenagers drinking in the gardens when one of the girls became worried about her friend's condition.

A police helicopter and ground search was scrambled and the girl was found lying alone and unconscious having drank too much alcohol.

Police called an ambulance and she was taken to Dorset County Hospital where she was treated and kept in overnight for observation.

She was released after an overnight stay.

Detective Inspector Marcus Hester, of Weymouth CID, said: "Unfortunately this is something we see in different parts of Weymouth from time to time.

"She was drinking with a group of teenagers and her friend became worried when she couldn't find her.

"She was eventually found after a search with the help of her friend and members of the public.

"We have no idea whether she drank a huge or small amount because even a little drink can have a adverse effect ona young girl. This girl is lucky she was found in good time otherwise the results may have been worse."

Roger Genge, chairman of Friends of Nothe Gardens, said: "This was another example of a situation getting out of control when young people are allowed to wander around unsupervised and able to get large quantities of alcohol.

"As an organisation we are trying to find ways in which to encourage young people to come and enjoy the Nothe - but in a responsible way.

"However, irresponsible, illegal behaviour will not be tolerated and we will work with the police and the council towards making the Nothe a more welcoming place."

Bob Prendergast, Nothe Watch co-ordinator for Friends of Nothe Gardens, said there had been on-going problems with teenage drinking in the area.

He said: "We will await feedback from the police then jointly consider with them what further can be done."

Weymouth and Portland Borough councillor John Birtwistle said police had been working hard to improve the area over the past six months.