This week I have teamed up with the Sea Life Park to bring you a great competition to visit when three Moshi Monsters will be there.

You will be able to meet your Moshi heroes and explore the magical marine world at the same time.

Every time I visit the park, I learn new things.

For example, did you know that an octopus has three hearts, blue blood and can change the colour of its skin in an instant to hide against any background?

And I was amazed to find out that when a flatfish like a plaice is born it has an eye either side of its head, but as it grows one eye travels slowly across and joins the other one, which means when you look at a plaice on the seabed it is lying on its side, not its stomach.

You can learn lots more amazing things about sea creatures if you are one of the lucky winners of our competition.

Hope to see you there!