POTHOLES driving you potty? Be part of the solution this National Pothole Day.

Today is a national day of awareness for the humble and often troubling scourge of the Dorset driver, the pothole.

Dorset County Council is urging people to report any road issues to them so their teams can get out on the roads and repair any problems.

The page on the county council’s website allows residents to quickly and easily report an issue with the roads, an abandoned car, street light issues, flooding and drainage or roadworks.

Last year county council road teams repaired 12,000 potholes.

Each pothole is ranked for repair, depending on the level of risk it poses to road users.

The location, size, depth and the type of road on which the pothole occurs are all taken into account and repairs are done within 32 hours for the highest-risk potholes and 28 days for minor risk ones.

The majority of all potholes are repaired within 28 days of a report being made.

County council spokesman for environment and economy, Peter Finney, pictured left, said: “By reporting damaged roads to us directly we can start the process of scheduling their repair without delay.

“Residents can input details on the website or call in. This information goes straight into our system and we can start prioritising the work.

“After last year’s storms that ravaged Dorset’s coastline and its road network, the county council received an extra £9m of government funding to help tackle the problem.

The money was used across the county to resurface damaged roads and complete a ditch-clearing programme to help prevent future flooding.

n To report a troublesome pothole or any other road related issue visit dorsetforyou. com/reportroadproblems or call 01305 221020.