PAVILION developer Howard Holdings is to present the findings of an economic survey to business leaders next week.

Weymouth and Portland Chamber of Commerce and other invited guests will be told about the economic merits of the £100 million scheme.

Howard Holdings has met fierce criticism from residents opposed to the scheme but hopes to persuade the chamber that it makes economic sense to build the new theatre complex.

The economic impact survey has been undertaken by the market research team at Bournemouth University.

The full details of the report have not yet been made public but findings that have been released show the new Pavilion will be a major money-maker for the area. Andy Cooke, chairman of Weymouth and Portland Chamber of Commerce, said: "The chamber strongly believes that re-development of the Pavilion area should offer immense opportunities to local business.

"Howard Holdings and the chamber have been liasing to secure a date when the economic impact survey findings could be presented to members.

"We have invited other interested parties within the borough so they too can benefit from the presentation."

The controversial project to replace the existing building is currently going through the planning department of Weymouth and Portland Borough Council.

A decision is expected later this year and the chamber has already indicated its support for the scheme.

The survey is likely to conclude that the development will generate millions of pounds a year for the local economy.

There will also be spin-off benefits for local traders, more tourists and income brought by the owners of the new apartments.

Invited guests at the meeting will include the Harbour Traders Association (HTA), the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), and the Weymouth Guest House Lease Holders Association.

Gary Charman of Howard Holdings and John Brackstone of Bournemouth University will give the presentation.

The meeting will take place at the Royal Dorset Yacht Club at 7pm on Monday, May 14.

All local businesses with an interest are welcome to attend.

The chamber requests that non-chamber members first email them to add their names to guest list at: Alternatively telephone 07886 086812.