FIRE chiefs keen to drive down the number of crashes on the roads are backing a speed-busting gadget.

Dorset Fire and Rescue Service is sponsoring a Speed Indicator Device (SID) to demonstrate its commitment to safer roads.

Firefighters are frequently called out to cut free car crash victims and one of the service's aims is to help reduce deaths and serious injuries in road traffic collisions by 40 per cent by 2010.

The SIDs, which are moved around the county on a regular basis, flash up drivers' speeds as they approach, encouraging them to slow down in areas of risk. They do not record number plates.

In Dorset the programme is a joint partnership between Dorset County Council and the Dorset Safety Camera Partnership.

Dorset Fire and Rescue Service's prevention policy manager Roy Pinder said: "We as a service attend a large number of road traffic collisions each year and many of these incidents result in tragic consequences.

"We are very pleased to be working closely with the Dorset Safety Camera Part-nership in order to provide the Speed Indictor Device which we hope will help slow down traffic on Dorset roads."

Johnny Stephens, operations project manager for the Dorset Safety Camera Partnership, said SIDs were an important tool in helping to raise awareness and educate road users of the speeds they are travelling at.