PLANS were lodged with Dorset County Council for a temporary travellers' site for the Great Dorset Steam Fair.

The application has gone in for a site next to the steam fair and one across the Valleys Road has been offered by the fair organisers and the landowner.

It lies between the villages of Tarrant Hinton and Tarrant Launceston and would give easy pedestrian access to the steam fair 200 metres away.

If granted planning permission by Dorset County Council's planning committee on July 20, the site would be managed by Dorset County Council and North Dorset District Council.

This would mean that Dorset Police could use its powers to divert travellers from unauthorised camps around the area on to the site. In April, local people were consulted on four possible locations for a temporary site.

Opposition They were Ashdown near Tarrant Gunville, two sites near Sixpenny Handley, and the Long Crichel turning from the A354 Salisbury Road.

There was considerable opposition to all four proposed sites. Dorset County Council cabinet member for environment Coun Hilary Cox said: "Although 84 per cent of people supported the principle of providing a gypsy site during the steam fair, the feedback from locals and parish councils was that they wanted the fair itself to come up with a solution on or adjacent to its own site.

"The steam fair organisers and the landowner from whom they lease their site have responded positively and have now offered a field that meets this demand."

She added: "We do not want a repeat of last year's event with large, unauthorised encampments blighting the area. We want a well-managed site to which the police can quickly move travellers from any unauthorised camps."

Coun Peter Webb, leader of North Dorset District Council, added: "This is welcome news for the area.

"Experience over recent times demonstrates that the provision of a managed site is by far the most satisfactory approach. Finding and providing a suitable site has always been a controversial process, but is very clearly worthwhile in overall terms. This site is the most favoured - or perhaps the least unfavoured - of the five that were 'possibles'.

"I sincerely hope that the consensus to use this site this year becomes a reality and that the approach and involvement of all parties gains the positive recognition that is deserved."