A HUSBAND and wife have been praised for running a pleasant and welcoming' school in Weymouth.

Headteacher Rupert Fowke and his wife - and deputy head - Naomi, own and run Thornlow Preparatory School in Connaught Road.

The couple, and their team of highly effective' teachers, have been congratulated in a report from the Independent Schools Inspectorate - the equivalent of Ofsted.

Parents pay around £2,000 per term but entry to the school is non-selective.

Inspectors claim that on entry pupils' abilities are broadly in line with the national average', but when tested the children achieve well above average'.

The report praises Thornlow's links with the local community, and says a programme of field trips and visitors to the school enhance the children's education.

It states there is a very good programme of visits and visitors to the school.

Parents are invited in to share their expertise, for example, speaking about the judicial system to Years 7 and 8'.

The report also notes visits to a local church and synagogue, and a day trip to Cherbourg where the youngsters have the chance to try out their French.

Thornlow's 80 boys and girls aged three to 13 are also congratulated.

The report states: Pupils show great enthusiasm for their work and settle down quickly.

They concentrate hard because in most of their lessons they are stimulated and interested and are engaged in interesting and demanding activities'.

It continues: The headmaster provides very effective and imaginative leadership and is well supported by the deputy head.

All staff are made to feel part of the management structure.

The teaching is highly effective and a significant proportion is outstanding'.

Inspectors conclude Thornlow provides a happy and secure environment in which all pupils are encouraged to feel that they belong'.

Headteacher Mr Fowke said: "This is a moving celebration of the hard work of our teachers and pupils, our partnership with our parents and the overall emotional health and happiness of our school.

"This is an exceptionally proud day for all of us."