PEOPLE in Dorchester will be able to send their letters without dodging traffic after a post box promise from Royal Mail.

The new post box in Trinity Street caused protests from the elderly and disabled residents when it was erected opposite the post office and they struggled to cross the busy road to post their letters.

Construction work is still ongoing for the post office but Royal Mail has answered complaints from a pressure group by revealing plans to build a new post box in South Street when work is finished.

Dorchester Town Council clerk Dennis Holmes said: "Royal Mail have given us a copy of a letter saying that when the work to the post office is completed an additional post box will be put in South Street.

"The concern was that people had to cross Trinity Street which is quite busy and on a junction, plus an entrance to car park and it was a concern to the elderly and infirm in particular."

He added: "Royal Mail said putting in the additional post box had always been their intention."

Member of senior citizens' group 55 Forum John Sole said: "All this could have been avoided if they had just put a notice in the post office saying the mail can be left here and a review is being held into a further post box being put in the vicinity of the former post office in the pedestrian area.

"All being well it will be a few yards from the old post office location. The only thing we don't have is a time schedule. We have at last got information revealed which hopefully will put everyone's mind at rest."