We have a Cathedral in Weymouth a green one.

It is called the Rodwell Trail and it is being desecrated daily by the ignorant, the uncaring and the downright disgusting.

The ignorant are generally children who have never been told, by parents or teachers, that dropping your drink bottle, crisp packet or chocolate wrapper is not just environmentally wrong, it is anti-social.

The uncaring are the adults who, though they know better, still drop their cigarette packet or lager can the instant that they have finished with it -even though there may be a bin only three paces away - or allow their dog to foul and then simply walk away without clearing the mess.

The disgusting are those who set fire to bins, spray paint the walls of the bridges and tunnels with whatever fills their filthy little minds and smash glass bottles (and anything else that takes their fancy) all over the paths.

Unfortunately, this is not just happening on the Rodwell Trail, it is happening everywhere in our beautiful borough, but there is an answer if our council is courageous enough to accept the challenge!

It will, of course, mean leaving the poor motorist alone for a while and might mean the council losing out on the fines generated by people leaving their cars in a car park for five minutes more than they have paid for.

But this revenue could be recouped by giving parking attendants the job of issuing fixed penalty notices to those who litter and deface our streets and buildings.

The powers, the laws and the workforce are there. It only needs the will of a council who are prepared not just to hide in their Ivory Tower on North Quay, but to do something about what we, the people of Weymouth and Portland want.

That is, a clean, wholesome town, of which we can be proud.

Ian Brooke, Chickerell Road, Weymouth.