PORTLAND has struck it lucky with a £50,000 lottery grant.

The cash will pay for activities to celebrate National Marine Week on the island.

Live video of seabirds nesting on inaccessible cliffs, walks and boat trips will feature as well as workshops and talks.

Island Volunteers for You, the Chesil Beach Centre and the Portland Ranger Project will run the week.

Chesil Beach warden Don Moxom said: "Chesil Bank and the Fleet Nature Reserve is delighted to be closely involved with Portland's celebration of National Marine Week and Dorset Coastlink's Seafest.

"The contrasting seas and coastline of Portland, Chesil Bank, and the shallower waters of Portland Harbour and the Fleet offer a marine environment which is practically unrivalled.

"They all support a rich variety of plants and animals, many of them rare and not easily seen."

Portland Ranger Lyn Cooch said: "The grant has given us a great opportunity to promote and enjoy the very special marine and coastal wildlife around Portland.

"Thanks to the funding most of the activities for children and adults during marine week are either free or subsidised .

"We hope that everyone will find something that appeals to them and that residents and visitors will really enjoy the chance to find out more about Portland's marine wildlife and conservation."

Heritage lottery fund manager Nerys Watts said: "This is great news both for local people and visitors to Portland.

"We are very keen to fund projects that make the local environment accessible and that encourage communities to identify, look after and celebrate their heritage. This project will do just that."

National Marine week runs between August 11 and August 19.

The nine-day programme of walks, talks, workshops and boat trips aims to boost conservation and education.