A CAR boot sale for the browsers, loads of competitions for all age groups and a grand draw all added up to a successful summer fair for Royal Manor Arts College.

The sunshine added to the pleasure for the many visitors who were able to sit out of doors for refreshments while enjoying the music of the Portland Community Swing Band, directed by head of music Martyn Mullender.

For the very popular cream teas, hundreds of scones and cakes were made by head of food technology Margaret Cullip, assisted by some of the students.

Deputy Town Mayor Coun Sandy West opened the fair and spent the afternoon joining in the fun and chatting to people.

The biggest individual earner was 13-year-old Megan Capon who organised and ran her own tombola stall and raised £113.

The proceeds of the day will be announced later by Friends of the Royal Manor, FORM, which organised the event.

At the start of the new term, each department will specify their needs and FORM will consider each bid on its merits, sharing out the proceeds accordingly.