NINE-year-old actress Jemima Dempsey has completed her first professional acting role.

Jemima, who comes from Osmington and attends Sunninghill Preparatory School in Dorchester, appears in School Run, one of a series of short films commissioned by SOS Live Earth to highlight the dangers of global warming.

She stars alongside Natasha Little of BBC television series Spooks and character actor Peter Wight, who recently appeared in Babel.

School Run was devised and directed by Jemima's brothers Ben and Joe Dempsey, who direct commercials.

The film underlines the dangers of carbon emissions from large cars used on the daily school run and was screened around the world for Live Earth Day - fronted by environmentalist and former US vice-president Al Gore.

Jemima said: "It was really nice and Natasha Little was really kind and gentle and I thought we worked together very well.

"I liked meeting all the crew people best and seeing how a film is made.

"I have seen the film and I have got a DVD of it to keep for my memories."

Jemima is a regular member of the Stagecoach theatre and dance school.

Her dad Mike said: "I think she enjoyed the experience and we are very proud of her."