AN ANGRY pensioner has accused council workers of leaving part of the Rodwell Trail in Weymouth looking like it has been attacked by vandals.

The workers were carrying out routine maintenance work on the trail between Abbotsbury Road and Newstead Road, trimming back the trees over the path.

Elizabeth Bentley, of Ilchester Road, says the borough council's attempted upkeep of the trail has left the area looking significantly worse.

"They came down with the flailer and it looks like vandals have broken the trees. I heard somebody saying 'oh look what the yobbos have done now'."

Mrs Bentley was also worried about nesting birds such as blackbirds and robins, which she often sees in her garden that backs on to the trail.

She added that she had challenged the council over what she felt was unnecessary and poorly handled maintenance work.

"They went over it four times. I heard them and ended up ringing the council offices. They told me they have had their orders to do this so people can walk easily.

"It wasn't so overgrown people couldn't walk through. I don't think they really realised what they were doing.

"Bits of trees were even falling into my garden. At eight foot up branches were bent off and broken, it does look as if vandals have been along."

Weymouth and Portland Borough Council's park supervisor Carl Dallison said: "The work is essentially flailing back of the vegetation that is starting to encroach on the main trail.

"We don't do it early on in the year because of nesting birds."

Mr Dallison added that he was aware that the work didn't always go down well with locals and users of the trail.

He said: "We have to use a flail because it's just too expensive to do it by hand.

"It's a bit emotive for folk, I understand that, but we have to balance it against the feeling of some people that it is closing in a bit and getting a bit intimidating."