Dorchester Town Football Club is coming out of the stadium and in to the heart of Dorchester.

As part of its ongoing initiative to become more involved in the community, the club will be hosting an event in the Borough Gardens next week.

The football club's Community Engagement Day will see a bouncy castle, Punch and Judy and face painting come to the town's much-loved gardens.

The Mill Street Jazz Band will also be taking centre stage in the bandstand and the Wessex Invaders and Settlers Empire will be returning to the town with their battle re-enactments.

The club will be running a refreshments stall selling teas, coffees and cold drinks, a cake stand and a sweet stall.

There will also be an ice-cream van, a fish and chip van and a stand selling crepes and hot dogs.

There will also be a club merchandise stand, selling hats, scarves, mugs, car stickers and replica shirts.

It is thanks to a grant from Tesco Bags of Help that the club is able to put on the event.

A club spokesperson said: "This is one of many projects we have on the go aiming to use the clubs position in the town to benefit the wider community, not just the football supporter who attends games on the Saturday.

"The engagement day will not only be an opportunity for families to enjoy some free entertainment in the gardens, it is also a chance for the club to reach an audience that may not already be involved with the club and show them what we have to offer.

"We will have various stalls promoting current initiatives such as the Dorchester Lottery and our stadium-based holiday soccer schools.

"We will have information on the proposed 3G community pitch at the stadium with the opportunity to discuss it, ask questions and find out how it will benefit the town.

"We would like to thank Tesco Dorchester and their customers for the grant award."

The event will be held on Wednesday, August 23 from 10.30am until 3.30pm.

For details on the day or anything concerning the football club get in touch by emailing or visiting the club Facebook page.