For years they have entertained crowds at shows large and small across the country.

The famous Dorset-based White Helmets - the Royal Signals Motorcycle Display Team - have begun their final month of shows before they are disbanded.

Giving their traditional, thrilling and disciplined arena displays on British Millennium Triumph 750cc motorcycles they display all the qualities of teamwork, courage, trust, strength and agility that are hallmarks of the Army.

In their immaculate uniforms, the team perform spectacular feats of balance, death-defying crossover rides and outstanding acrobatics.

This record-holding team has existed as a recognised organisation since the first public displays of joint precision horsemanship and motorcycle riding were given by instructors and students from the Signal Training Centre in Yorkshire in 1927.

Respected and consulted throughout the world, and envied by many, the Royal Signals White Helmets has a popular element of the Corps, keeping the Army in the public eye, and representing Britain at events throughout the world.

Dorset Echo:

The setting of their latest display, at the Chatsworth Country Show, in front of the grandeur of Chatsworth House, could not have been further from the battlefield environment from which the team was developed when it was founded 90 years ago.

It followed their display at the Dorset Steam Fair just miles from their base near Blandford.

Thousands of people cheered the soldiers as they climbed aboard their classic bikes for their familiar display of jumps, acrobatics and high speed riding in the sunshine.

Their appearances over the weekend are the start of a final month of displays which will end on September 27 with a special farewell parade through Blandford Forum.

Their final full public performance will be at the Preston Military Show on September 16.

The decision was made earlier this year to disband the White Helmets as the Royal Signals promotes its 21st century role at the cutting edge of digital technology and cyber warfare.

Capt McLelland said he understood the reasons for the decision to disband and was proud to be a member of the final line-up.

He said: “It’s a multitude of things but the main one being that it’s been a long time since we’ve used motorcycles to communicate around the battlefield. It’s been 90 years the team’s being going - 1927 is when we were formed - and the Royal Signals is about cutting-edge technology, is about being leaders in the digital age, and it’s about modernising our image to show that we’re in line with that and, as such, unfortunately, the team’s being disbanded.”

Capt McLelland added: “I won’t lie, I am obviously disappointed. I am sad and I think every rider here is.

“However, we’re very proud and privileged to have had the opportunity to be able to ride and be involved in such a unique job.

“And also, to be here at the end, whilst it is a sad thing to do, it is a very proud moment for us - especially on the last show, it will certainly be a proud moment for everybody involved.”

The unit was formed in 1927 to showcase the skills used to carry messages in combat. The team, who always perform in full Royal Signals uniform, first used horses but these gave way to motorcycles in 1937, although many of the tricks they still perform are related to horseback stunts.

They adopted the White Helmets title in 1963.

An Army spokesman said: “The Royal Corps of Signals have come far since using motorbikes to carry messages across the battlefield, and are now highly trained ‘Leaders in a Digital Age’ with expertise in cyber operations. 2017 will be the last season for the iconic display team.”