A VARIETY of events are lined up for the biggest and best Open4Business so far.

The fortnight will launch on Monday, September 24, at Southwell Park on Portland with three events and end with Excellence Awards sponsored by Smart Group Recruitment Solutions.

Open4Business stalwarts Southwell Park will host a breakfast launch to start proceedings.

The business breakfast is from 7.30am to 9am and is based on the Open4Business 2007 theme of Inspiring the Future. South Dorset MP Jim Knight is due to attend the launch.

There will also be a business and education exhibition on the same day from 9.30am to 2.30pm followed by a Question Time style event in the evening from 6.30pm to 8pm.

A host of other events are lined up during the fortnight, but delegates will have to book to attend most of them. Booking details are available on the Open4Business website at www.o4business.co.uk.

Other highlights include the Weymouth and Dorchester Retail SkillShop awards on Wednesday, September 26.

Weymouth and Portland Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism is hosting the event at the Royal Dorset Yacht Club in Weymouth.

Dorset Retail SkillShop co-ordinator Mandy Payne will explain the ethos of the Retail SkillShop, a service to the retail industry to develop first class skills in today's fast moving retail environment.

The Granby and Lynch Lane Business Forum has organised a series of guided tours for school children to gain an insight into working life.

Organiser Gary Ayles hopes to take pupils around seven businesses on the two estates, including the Dorset Echo, the Land Registry and Ultra Electronics during the open day.

The Enterprise Connection at Poundbury is launching a new Business and Professional Women's Network Group at the Moonfleet Manor Hotel on Wednesday, September 26, at 5.30pm for drinks and canapés.

Enterprise Connection manager Karenlee Knott said: "The ladies network has been established to enable working women to network effectively as a professional group whilst using the time efficiently to discuss and share business issues which are of particular interest to women.

"The group will aim to meet six times a year and share a monthly newsletter whilst signing up to business directory for maximising business to business opportunities."

The first speaker at the launch event will be CustomerClix founder Kim Horner, who is an analyst relations consultant, trainer and public speaker.

A Tourism Trade Forum and Exhibition is being held on September 25 from 2pm to 7pm in the Ocean Room at Weymouth Pavilion. Experts will address such issues as how to obtain local produce, carrying our fire assessments, training programmes and developments planned for Weymouth and Portland.

Weymouth and Portland Borough Council tourism and leisure services unit, supported by the Weymouth and Portland Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, is holding the forum.

Other highlights of the fortnight include lunches, exhibitions, meetings, displays, breakfast briefings, mock employment tribunals, advice sessions, workshops and masterclasses.

Full details of all events are on the website at www.o4business.co.uk.

Call 01305 755606 about the Business and Professional Women's Network Group and event. Call 01305 838384 for the Tourism Trade Forum and Exhibition. Call 07790 892095 for the SkillsShop event.