PLANNERS have backed a new 76-bed hotel at Southwell Park on Portland.

The scheme, which will convert and extend Portland House, will also include an altered front access, a canopied foyer entrance and a lift lobby.

Park managing director Ray Bulpit told yesterday's meeting of Weymouth and Portland planning and traffic committee: "Southwell Business Park is a unique success story.

"This hotel will be a significant phase of our ongoing £10 million private investment programme and our tenants support it."

He added that the Portland Spa conference and banqueting centre and hotel project could create 100 full and part-time jobs while providing complete conference packages could involve at least £1 million worth of purchases which would benefit local suppliers.

Delegates would also boost local retailers and the economy, he said, with an estimated annual spend on consumer goods of up to £4 million.

Not everyone at the meeting was totally supportive. Coun Margaret Leicester said that she was concerned that a hotel was not how we were told this site was going to be developed'.

But Coun John Nash said: "I have got to support this.

"Anyone putting £10 million into Portland, I think is ideal with the Olympics coming up."

Members had been told that only 24,000 sq ft of the 96,000 sq ft building would be used for the hotel, leaving 72,000 sq ft still available.

A report to the meeting said: "In the context of this site and the merits of this case, it is considered that this would not compromise the other industrial or commercial uses of the business park and indeed the proposed use will provide an opportunity to enable on site business accommodations for conferences to be held, a clear benefit to the economic profile of the borough."

Coun Anne Kenwood said: "I think this hotel with its wonderful views will be really sought after."

The meeting agreed to delegate planning approval for the scheme to planning manager Simon Williams subject to conditions including nature conservation interests, landscaping, materials and access.