ONE of Dorset's major trunk routes has made a top 10 of roads which according to figures have the highest number of speed cameras yet are still the scene of many major accidents.

The A35, which in Dorset runs from the Devon border to Christchurch, has 17 cameras, according to traffic information company

However there have been, on average, 14.62 people killed or seriously injured (KSI) per year since April 2002.

The figures have led to the A35 being placed ninth in the list.

Leading the table is the A6 in Lancashire which has 31 cameras and had 16.61 KSIs since April 2002.

According to a recent Parliamentary written answer Britain has 7,935 speed cameras of which 5,562 are fixed.

In contrast, Germany has 3,108 fixed cameras, Italy 1,945 and Holland 1,594. product director Alex Petrie said: "This survey highlights that it is important to remember that speed isn't the only factor in accidents."