LOCAL secondary schoolchildren are being offered an opportunity to achieve basic swimming skills at Weymouth Swimming Pool.

A Government-funded scheme called Top Up is targeting those children who have not achieved the Key Stage 2 standard for swimming and water safety which includes an unaided swim of at least 25 metres.

Top Up funds the teaching, hire of the pool and transport of children to and from the pool to take part in the scheme.

Small groups of Year 7 children are tackling an intensive 10-day course being taught by qualified Amateur Swimming Association teachers from the Everyone Active Swim School at Weymouth Swimming Pool.

Students from Wey Valley School and Sports College have been the first to benefit from this new initiative with Budmouth Technology College, All Saints' School and Royal Manor Arts College due to be involved later on during the autumn term.

Further Government funding will be needed if the Top Up project is to be extended to pupils in other areas of West Dorset.

It is hoped that by taking part in this venture many more children will become confident and competent in the water.

The project is being organised and co-ordinated by West Dorset School Sport Partnership development manager Dale Rhodes in collaboration with SLM Leisure which manages Weymouth Swimming Pool.

Dale said the project was proving a big success and added: "The swimming teachers tell me everything is going exceptionally well.

"It has been wonderful to see how the children's confidence and enjoyment has grown as they progress through the course.

"Talking to the youngsters you can see their self-confidence and enthusiasm increasing by the day.

"When their course is over, we hope they will continue to go swimming regularly and maybe take along other friends and members of their family, too."

SLM contact manager David Greenwood said: "We are delighted to be able to assist with the project.

"This is another way that we can try to get everyone active, especially those who wouldn't otherwise have access to the multitude of activity options that swimming opens up."