PERFORMERS will stage their second open air arts extravaganza at the Nothe Fort tonight.

The Teatr Biuro Podrozy theatre group will perform Carmen Funebre as the curtain comes down on the Inside Out arts festival this weekend.

The Polish troupe staged their first show last night at the Nothe Fort. In the production, the actors use stilts, fire and effects to tell of the experiences of refugees in the Bosnian conflict.

There are a few tickets remaining on the gate at 7pm for tonight's production at 8pm. Admission is free and anyone interested in snapping up the remaining places is urged to arrive early.

The al fresco entertainment reaches its climax tomorrow with an event called Enclosure at Hambledon Hill, just north of Blandford.

Environmental art group Red Earth are staging the event with percussion, horns and pyrotechnics. It starts at 5pm and the audience should meet at Shroton Cricket Club from 4pm onwards.

The productions bring a week of events in the Inside Out arts festival to a close.