A BINMAN was bitten on the upper thigh by a dog - and then yelled at by its owner who ran off.

Paul Brierley was collecting rubbish in Seamoor Close in Preston, Weymouth when he was attacked by the animal.

He said the woman refused to give him her contact details and hurled abuse at him before fleeing.

Paul, 24, said: "The dog was white, I'm not sure what breed it was. It didn't look fierce but it really hurt.

"The woman just said it wasn't hers. I asked for her address but she wouldn't give it to me.

"She started giving me lots of abuse, saying it was nothing to do with her."

Paul, of Old Castle Road, Weymouth, said the woman did not seem to care.

He said: "I've got a dog myself and as far as I'm concerned whether it's yours or not, you apologise.

"If my dog bit someone I'd feel pretty bad. I'd check they were OK, I wouldn't be abusive and walk off.

"All she had to do was say sorry."

Paul is up to date with his tetanus jabs and the wound did not require medical attention.

He added: "It drew blood but it's not too deep. But that's not the point.

"If it had been a small child walking past, it would've been the back of their head."

Weymouth and Portland Borough Council refuse and cleansing charge hand Gary Farmer said: "It made a fair old mark. Paul was lucky, it was close to being a nasty bite.

"These things do happen, but we've contacted police because the woman just walked off.

"We'd like to see the owner traced because this could happen again. It could be worse - it could be a child."

Weymouth and Portland dog warden Rod Wild said: "It's disgusting that she just walked off without giving her contact details.

"It's a very disappointing reaction. People should have the decency to stop and give their name and address and apologise.

"Had that happened it would have probably been resolved. But instead police and council resources have been tied up."

Weymouth police are appealing for anyone with any information to contact them on (01305) 222222.

PC Alex Head said: "We're trying to trace whoever the woman walking the dog was.

"We need to try and make sure this doesn't happen again."