On Sunday, November 4, Weymouth Pavilion gave a most moving and inspirational presentation to an auditorium more packed than I have ever seen it before.

This was Weymouth’s very own Armistice Service of Remembrance, complete with showers of poppies that rained down upon the stage at the very end.

It was an indisputably moving evening.

Groups of little children and young people sang on stage with such innocence and sweetness; a few individual children also read aloud their own poems addressed to those who had sacrificed their lives during the First World War, who were never to grow old.

The children on stage had learned of, and were empathising with, those who had died a hundred years before.

Theirs was a terrible waste of life. But now can we please consider the children and young people of today?

As I sat watching and listening to that first group of small children from St Augustine’s School – and then others – the tears rolled uncontrollably down my face.

What about the children of today?

Surely they deserve better – far better than we are giving them?

We are selfishly, thoughtlessly destroying our world with rubbish, pollution, plastic, emissions... everywhere wildlife is dying out as a consequence, yet we human-beings listen to the warnings – and do nothing to change!

We must all wake up! Start reversing the pocess of destruction or it will be too late: these sweet, innocent children will have to suffer the consequences of our actions. Surely they deserve far better!

• Don’t just chuck rubbish on the streets and never fly-tip

• Sort your home waste carefully and reduce waste by reusing and recycling

• Avoid unnecessary plastics

• Put pressure upon big manufacturers and supermarkets to reduce plastic and find alternative methods (The Echo today reports Dorset tea firm Clipper has just produced the world’s first plastic-free teabag – these things can be done!)

• Be aware of toxic waste

• Drive thoughtfully and work together to cut emissions

• Don’t hand our children a world with no future.


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