Today, the Dorset Echo launches its brand new feature, If I Were Prime Minister for a Day. Here, we are giving our readers the chance to say what they would do if they ran the country for just one day. Interested in having your say? Keep your contributions from 320 to 350 words and email to

By Ron Kirby

If I were Prime Minister for a day I would take quick action in several areas.

For starters I would bring about an immediate restoration of correctly funding our police forces. Many forces across Britain are short of personnel due to Government cuts in financial support over the last few years. Our own Dorset force is being absolutely stretched to the limit in trying to provide a service to keep people, their homes and businesses safe.

Secondly, I would ensure that drivers showed courtesy to all road users, That would be highlighted in the Highway Code and anyone flouting the law would have three penalty points slapped on their driving licence. And have to display a notice prominently in their vehicle saying “I was guilty of discourtesy”.

Still on driving: all local authorities and private companies would have to ensure that car parking spaces were large enough to avoid drivers breaking their neck, arms or legs when trying to get into and out of cars in titchy spaces.

On a rather lighter note, as an inveterate tea drinker I would stir up protests from cafe and restaurant owners as I would bring in a law that such establishments would not be allowed to charge more than £1.80 for a pot of tea. I have even heard that one establishment charges £3.50 for a mere pot of tea. No, I’d end that.

Travelling: You need to sit down and have a cup of tea as you recover after you have paid a fortune for a rail journey to and from London. So I would put on the statute book rules for railway companies which would ensure that they simplify their fare structure and drastically reduce the cost of such travel.

Finally, to discipline: All parents and school teachers would have legal backing in ensuring that children were good-mannered at all times, and especially pay attention in class at school and respect their teachers and older people. The parents of any bad-mannered child would have to serve detention in school on Saturdays mornings for a whole month.

I’d finish my Prime Ministerial duties and be quite happy with my day’s work at No 10.