YET again we hear from the Remainers how they were misled by the Brexiteers.

All tosh, I voted to leave as I did not like the sound of the European Army, but there should be NATO cooperation.

I voted to leave so that we could retain control of our borders but that did not mean that EU members were not welcome but that we would not have free entry for the dross of Europe dumped on us.

I no longer have the faith in an Irish and French Government wishing us well when they did nothing to help prevent the carousel frauds that almost wrecked our economy before the bankers did it for them.

I do not believe that the international police authorities will not cooperate as has been mooted. I cannot see why when this country managed to import and export outside of the EU before without queues at Dover that we cannot with our present IT go forward with confidence.

There has been talk of import tax when that would be within our own remit to levy or not. Why should food be scarce when the importation was never a bother before.

If the EU tax our exports then they pay their tax or go without.

The day after the leave vote the pound plummeted. Yet nothing had changed overnight. was this our punishment for daring to say enough was enough.

I find myself allied to some disgusting bedfellows but Churchill said “do not get involved in the Balkans” and he was right.

A trade union was all very well but we are looking down the barrel yet again with a European Army proposed. It was not my fault the negotiations have been fraught because after all I voted Conservative.


Wheatlands, Portland