A church is reaching out to help residents manage their finances.

Dorchester Baptist Church is hosting a free Christians Against Poverty Money Course which teaches a simple cash-based system that helps people know how to build a household budget in a matter of weeks.

A spokesman said: “This course works for everyone whatever their circumstances. But if you have overworked your credit card or are dipping into the overdraft to pay for Christmas, we say please don’t delay. Make the new year the time to put things in order, and we can help to get your head in gear and take the practical steps to sort things out.”

The next course runs from 7pm-8.30pm on Tuesday, January 8 at The Dorford Centre, Bridport Road, Dorchester.

To book your place, email cap@dorchesterbc.org.uk or call 01305 262045. Find out more at capuk.org