There are 1,200 people in Dorset employed with a zero-hour contract for their main job, according to the South West Trade Union Congress.

However, this is not by choice. The TUC conducted a poll which found two thirds of zero-hours workers want to be on permanent and secure contracts.

The TUC has also produced new analysis that shows zero-hour workers are having a tougher time than those in secure employment.

They found that:

• Nearly a quarter of zero-hours contracts workers regularly do night shifts, compared to one in ten of the rest of the workforce. Night-working has been linked to heart disease, shortened life expectancy and higher risk of cancer.

• Zero-hours contract workers are on average paid around £4.10 less an hour than other workers. This is despite 12 per cent of zero-hours workers being supervisors and managers.

• One in seven zero-hours workers do not have work each week. And they work on average 25 hours a week, compared to those on non zero-hours contracts, who work 36 hours a week.

• Not knowing if you will get work next week and being paid low wages have a significant impact on mental health according to union polling

TUC Regional Secretary for South West Nigel Costley said: "Too many Dorset workers have to rely on insecure employment and the worst are zero-hours contracts.

“The vast majority of people on zero-hours contracts want out. The only flexibility offered, is flexibility that works for employers.

“Zero-hours workers regularly work for low pay, including through the night, which puts their health at risk. Many also face the constant uncertainty of not knowing when their next shift will come, adding to their financial struggles.

“We need the government to stamp out these unfair contracts. Working people need solid jobs, with guaranteed hours so they can provide for a decent family life.”

Heart Unions Week is when trade unions members celebrate and showcase what trade unions do to help working people.

This year, Heart Unions Week will be ramping up its campaign for a ban on zero-hours contracts. Union leaders will commit to negotiate an end to zero-hours contracts in workplaces where they have recognition. And an online petition will build public support for a ban.

The TUC is calling on the government to:

• Ban zero hours contracts

• Introduce a reasonable notice period for shifts, and payment for cancelled shifts

• Increase enforcement of workers’ rights; and

• Enable trade unions to access workplaces to tell workers how joining a trade union can improve their life at work.