Hi readers, it’s Emily and William here on respect and manners.

It started when we went out for a meal, and William held the door open for me (Emily), like a true gentlemen. It feels really nice when a man does that. I, William, think it’s important that men hold doors open for ladies because it’s polite and respectful. It’s how I was brought up to behave.

We think manners are very important in everyday life. To say please and thank you goes a long way. It also affects the way people think about you, your friendships and your work.

For example I, Emily, made a drink for a respite resident where I work. A few weeks later, I bumped into them in town. They introduced me to their family as, ‘that nice lady with a smile on her face who made that lovely cup of tea for me’. That made me feel good.

Good manners are also important at mealtimes. We always wait for everyone to be served before eating. We also don’t clear or leave the table before everyone is finished. We wonder if blowing your nose at the table is rude or not? If you really need to, it probably is best you do! We think it’s best to eat with cutlery, though sometimes eating with fingers is ok, such as pizza. We always thank whoever has cooked the meal.

We think there is much to be gained by being polite. If you aren’t, you probably won’t be happy. People might ignore you, not want to be with you, and may make unpleasant remarks about you. That thought gives us a nasty pit in our stomachs. However if you are nice, people are more likely to like you and want to be with you. That feels really good!

The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by The Friendship Club– a project for adults with learning disabilities, run by People First Dorset