WOMEN suffering from chronic pain and inflammation will be able to take part in a live-streamed yoga class, specifically developed for them by a woman from Dorset.

Bridie Apple, 33, was born in Weymouth but now lives in Dorchester. She has been a long-term sufferer of a number of medical conditions such as Endometriosis and Fibromyalgia.

She discovered yoga at the age of 13 and has continued to use yoga as a way of managing her health and recovering from self-loathing and depression. She retrained as a Yoga teacher and Ayurvedic therapist and quit her job. Now she has developed a weekly yoga class that will be live streamed across the world.

These yoga classes will be part of her new subscription platform called 'Flow. Grow. Glow.' which Bridie describes as "a community of soul shares and live yoga for women across the world."

The class is for anyone but has been developed specifically to cater for women living with chronic pain and inflammation. Flow. Grow. Glow. will be launched on March 8, on International Women's Day, during Endometriosis awareness month.

Bridie said: "This class is different to what is already out there because it will be live streamed all over the world, it is not pre-recorded and it is developed for women dealing with chronic pain.

"The yoga classes are developed to help women tune into their bodies, release pelvic pain and inflammation, and reconnect with their individual rhythm and flow. They are suitable for all levels and beginners and there is no pretzel legs or standing on our heads, unless you want to.

Flow. Grow. Glow. is not just a yoga class, the £9.99 per month subscription gives members access to an online portal where they can meet people with similar issues and share experiences.

Bridie said: "Flow. Grow. Glow. sisterhood is all about flowing and meditating together around the world, at the same time in a safe, private community space, where you can connect, share stories and arrange meetups."

The online platform will feature articles, a book club, 'soul shares' from different members and discounts from companies such as TOTM and Planet Warrior.

For more information, contact hello@bridieapple.com or go to www.bridieapple.com