A LONG-running planning wrangle looks set to be resolved as council officers give developers the thumbs up for a new housing scheme on a prominent site.

For the sixth time in two years councillors will be asked to consider a planning application for a site above Foords Corner in Buxton Road, Weymouth.

Applicant Blazeminster Ltd is proposing to demolish a house and replace it with two blocks of flats.

Weymouth and Portland Borough Council's planning manager Simon Williams is recommending councillors approve the scheme subject to 17 conditions.

In a report to members of the planning and traffic committee next Wednesday, Mr Williams says an application for the site was first submitted in March 2005 but was withdrawn because of concerns from planning chiefs about overdevelopment and the effect on the highway.

Later that year a further plan was unveiled but this too was withdrawn because of similar concerns.

In 2006 councillors granted permission for a third application involving two detached houses and a bid to change the layout in a separate application was also approved.

Finally, a further plan was submitted for the erection of a new dwelling and five flats earlier this year but this was refused permission. It is currently the subject of an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.

A number of residents have written to voice their concern about the new plan, with one claiming the huge' blocks of flats would spoil the character of Wyke Regis.

But Mr Williams says the current proposal has considered the design and appearance that would have been generated by the approved scheme for the two houses and has also taken on board the comments about highway concerns.

Mr Williams says the development is appropriate in the location.

He adds: "It has always been accepted that this site has some redevelopment potential.

"I can advise you that this scheme, for flats and maisonettes rather than dwellings, overcomes most of the concerns previously expressed."