I’m writing to praise the kindness offered to my 90-year-old Mum by a number of people last Wednesday after an incident in Dorchester market.

Whilst shopping for vegetables, a lady on a mobility scooter collided head on with her, knocked her backwards and ran over her foot. The scooter owner disappeared without even saying sorry, leaving a bystander and her husband to help her. They took her to where they thought the first aid point was in the covered in market. There a man, we only know as Dave (who I think runs the egg stall), took over and first drove my Mum home and then on to A&E. He offered to wait with her, but she refused.

Although it took a long time in A&E to get the foot x-rayed and scanned, my mother tells me Lia there was so nice to her.

Can I give a big shout out of praise to that anonymous couple, Dave and Lia. One’s faith in the kindness of total strangers is restored.


Marine Parade
