The Purbeck School was transformed into the Houses of Parliament when a local MP came down to visit.

Students faced each other on different sides of the school hall, taking their seats as ministers, backbenchers and members of the opposition, in order to resemble a parliamentary question time and learn how debate can influence results.

They learned the meaning behind well-known phrases such as “tow the party line” and how MPs put their questions into a ballot box to be asked of the minister of the day.

Students asked questions of Michael Tomlinson, MP for Mid Dorset and North Poole, about his stance on different issues covering areas from school funding, gender equalities, police numbers to his voting patterns on bills relating to the environment.

Product design student, Sam Willcocks, asked Mr Tomlinson: “What things have you done in your time as an MP that has had an effect on my education?”

In response, Mr Tomlinson detailed how he had been campaigning for fairer funding for schools in the run up to the 2015 election and believed that there was still much work needed to achieve what he thought was a fair system.

Headteacher Adam Darley said: “It was lovely to welcome Michael back to the school, once again enthusing our students to be politically active.

“It was also interesting to hear his thoughts on school funding which has been an issue that is of considerable concern to all schools.

“Dorset remains one of the most poorly funded educational areas in the country and it was good to see Michael recognise this in his answers. I look forward to him campaigning on our behalf in the future”.

The event was organised by head boy Josh Turner who, along with The Purbeck School, would like to say thank you to Michael Tomlinson for taking the time to visit the Sixth Form students.

Head of sixth form, Debs Rayner, said: “The whole experience has definitely inspired many students to take a greater interest in politics in the future.”

Mr Tomlinson left the children with one request - to watch Prime Minister Questions on Wednesdays at 12pm which is an excellent demonstration of democracy in evidence.

To find out more about forthcoming speakers in the Purbeck Sixth Form, visit