Richard Drax fails to understand simple maths when he extols the virtues of the Brexit party in topping the poll with 32 per cent of the total vote.

Add on 3 per cent for UKIP gives 35 per cent for Leave parties.

Now take 20 per cent for Lib Dems, 12 per cent Greens, 3 per cent Change UK, 3 per cent SNP and 1 per cent Plaid Cymru. These added together give 39 per cent of the votes for Remain parties.

So the clear message the voters sent in the EU elections was Remain.

The nonsense Mr Drax quotes about the Eurovision Song contest is irrelevant.

May I suggest that Conservative “malcontents like Mr Hammond and Mr Grieve” and others seek to expel Mr Drax from the Conservatives for supporting the Brexit party?

John Tomblin

Littlemoor Road
