MEMBERS heard about the work to look after a Weymouth beauty spot – including efforts to tackle anti-social behaviour in the area.

A review of recent developments and forthcoming events was heard at an afternoon tea meeting organised by the Friends of Lodmoor Country Park.

Attendees also heard that repairs and alterations to the wooden galleon in the play area have been commissioned by the town council, and the Lodmoor Friends presented a cheque for £1,000 to help fund the project.

Councillor David Gray spoke about liaison with the police to reduce anti-social behaviour, and town councillor Tia Roos confirmed that she was willing to act as the group's Safeguarding & Child Protection contact.

Sale Trail organisers Susan Baillie, Vanessa Butler & Claire Gilbride were present to talk about the neighbourhood Table Top Sale on Sunday June 23, and to take bookings from sellers.

WTC Parks and Open Spaces Manager Tara Williams gave an overview of the town council's areas of responsibility and works that had been carried out at Lodmoor recently, including the reseeding of the wildflower meadow. She announced that a height barrier would be installed to prevent unauthorised vehicles from accessing the green areas of the park, which members welcomed.

Friends chairman Dinah Ellis said following the cheque presentation: "Our committee and members have worked hard to raise the £1,000 to improve the very popular play equipment. Alterations that we have asked for on behalf of park users will make the galleon more accessible to the youngest children enjoying the park - and we hope parents, grandparents and carers will be happy to see the changes."

The meeting closed with thanks to all for attending and contributing, and the excess refreshments were delivered to the Bus Shelter Project.