A housing association wants to create seven self-contained flats in a residential block in Maud Road which has been empty for three years.

Wimborne-based East Boro Housing Trust recently took over the building, Coburg Court, saying they would use it for both families on the housing list and adults with learning difficulties.

The flats had been previously used as accommodation for Dorset County Hospital staff.

A decision is expected to be taken by a planning officer, under delegated powers, with the application open for public comment until July 7.

The proposal is to convert the upper right existing two houses and central section, communal room and flats, to create 7 self-contained flats. The proposed works also include the creation of a staff sleep room with en-suite. Architects say that apart from creating a new door access to the rear of the building there will be no  changes to the external appearance of the building.