Signs are being erected in sheep worrying hotspots to remind dog owners not to let dogs off their leads.

It comes just days after Dorset Police Rural Crime Team issued a warning to dog owners not to risk prison or a fine for livestock worrying.

Last year, Dorset Police received 40 reported incidents of dogs attacking livestock.

The penalty for such offences can be six months in prison and a £1,000 fine.

PCSO Tom Balchin of Dorset Police Rural Crime Team said: “The signs are being placed in hotspots as well as in areas where there are livestock currently.

“They have been placed in lots of areas, around Dorchester and the Cerne valley with plans to erect more next week in other areas.”

The signs show graphic images of sheep attacks with the message: “please keep your dog on a lead” and “sheep worrying is a crime”.

If you see anything suspicious remember to call 101.