DORSET residents will be able to ask questions about cancer at a free information service in Weymouth, and there's no need to make an appointment.

Macmillan Cancer Support's mobile information bus will be visiting Weymouth and other parts of Dorset in August.

You don't need an appointment and it's completely free and confidential.

Whether you are undergoing treatment, are worried about signs and symptoms, or want to know how to help a family member, just drop in and the dedicated team of highly-qualified Macmillan professionals will help.

The mobile team can help you with:

  • Screening and what to look out for, for example signs and symptoms
  • Different cancers, their treatments and side effects
  • How cancer affects your life, for example: finances or employment
  • Talking about your cancer, or talking to someone with cancer
  • Being there for someone with cancer, or the support available locally
  • Survivorship and recurrence

The bus will be in Weymouth on Monday, August 12.

It will be setting up shop on the seafront, by the Jubilee Clock, from 10am until 5pm.

Further shows will be held in Gillingham and Wimborne.

For further information about Macmillan’s mobile information service, and planned visits, go to

If you are unable to visit the unit but have questions about cancer call 0808 808 00 00 or visit