The meeting on global warming and climate change held at Dorford Church was most interesting and it’s clear that only real and immediate action cooperating with one another will save us from extinction.

The most relevant factor affecting our future existence is whether we can communicate with one another in more efficient ways. Overall, species appear to have done so. It’s as if they have always involuntarily recognised the need for macro stability and equilibrium whilst at a micro level, they fight one another for existence.

Most evolutionary journeys have been governed essentially by the search for suitable sites where the abundant energy of the sun could be utilised. However, here and there you see signs of a ‘Gaia like synchronicity of purpose’.

Perhaps the equilibrium of the Cosmos is something that all species including our own once instinctively recognised as normal and not one to risk upsetting.

Recently, it has become clear that even if we once had such inclinations, humans haven’t retained them. Greedy and exploitative, we have plundered natural resources in far from cooperative ways.

In retrospect, several hundred years ago, that degree of ignorance was excusable. What we had no way of knowing then was that the changes we would bring about to the stability and equilibrium of the planet would take place at such a speed.

When we cooperate with one another, whether the purpose appears to be imperative such as going to war against Germany or following a particular political ideology, a sense of unity prevails.

We knowing the advantages of a common existence and have a once in a lifetime opportunity to cooperate in a huge effort to save this planet.

The mythologising climate-change deniers have fought hard to fight facts with lies and politicians have in the main avoided taking worldwide action in favour of hanging on to power in their micro political fiefdoms. We have fiddled while Rome has burned. Cycles of climatic change taking about 40,000 years to complete from one extreme to the other have occurred regularly on Earth for millions of years.

Species have had until recently plenty of time to adapt; some even relocating from the Poles to temperate and equatorial regions and vice versa. The luxury of ‘time to adjust’ has disappeared.

