POUNDBURY councillor Richard Biggs says criticism of the size of some homes and concerns about the lack of charging points for electric cars at the Duchy estate has “focused minds.”

Both issues made headlines when a Dorset Council senior planning officer said some affordable homes being proposed for the next stage of development, at the North Quadrant, were smaller than national standards suggested they should be, although the standard was not legally enforceable.

The same meeting also heard of an absence of proposals to install ducting ready for electric car charge points and claims that many garages being built on the estate were too small, leading to more vehicles parking on the streets because their drivers struggled to get them into their garages.

Cllr Biggs told the town council planning committee on Monday that the Duchy disagreed with the claims about the size of some of the homes and garages but is now looking at the future provision of charging points on the Royal estate.

“It has focused minds, which is a good thing, as the north west sector has yet to start,” he said.

Cllr Biggs said that the evidence he had suggested that garages being built at Poundbury were 3.2 metres wide, considered a standard size.

Cllr Molly Rennie said the issues of building standards were likely to come up for discussion in the near future in talks with town and parish councils over Dorset Council’s corporate plan.

Town councillors have previously called for local rules to ensure new homes being built come with solar panels and efficient heating systems and that provision is made when new developments are planned for charging points. The same plan could also set a minimum size for homes.

Following the original report on homes' sizes a spokesperson for the Duchy of Cornwall said: “Average property sizes in Poundbury are well above the national average and all homes are built to the same high standards of design. Garage sizes have already been increased to allow for larger vehicles and many of the new properties are being fitted with the necessary cables to make them suitable for electric vehicle charging points. Sustainability is at the heart of what we do and the Duchy remains completely committed to meeting the needs of local people.”