A new digital tool developed by Public Health Dorset will be showcased at a Public Health England national conference.

The 'Habit Hacker' tool was developed by Public Health Dorset with the aim to help people find ways to achieve goals including getting active, losing weight, stopping smoking or drinking less by asking a series of questions to the user.

The tool is a part of the LiveWell Dorset digital service, and is due to be featured at Public Health England's annual conference in Warwickshire on Wednesday, September 11 and Thursday, September 12.

One happy user of this tool was Julia, 57, from Weymouth. She used Habit Hacker to help her improve her levels of activity, and the tool offered her advice about where to look for help.

She said: "I have a bit of arthritis in my knee and have previously used that as an excuse as it makes it less easy to be active. But, having lost some weight, I felt ready to get active too.

"When I saw the idea of walking netball on LiveWell Dorset’s Activity Finder I was really excited and I've found a new group of friends. My lung capacity has increased. I feel a million dollars."

Lauren Bishop, Health Programme Advisor for Public Health Dorset, said: "It’s a real honour to see the Habit Hacker featuring at the Public Health England National Conference.

"Here at LiveWell Dorset we’re excited about the potential of our digital offer to inspire and support people towards healthy lifestyle change, helping to make the prevention at scale vision a reality."

Public Health England's annual conference for 2019 will be held at Warwick University on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. More than 1,500 delegates with gather for the conference from a variety of organisations with their own insights and information about how to work on public health.

The organisation, which works to improve the nation's public health, is offering people the chance to join in some Tweet Live events to discuss topics pertaining to public health.

To find out more about its work, visit gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england