NEIGHBOURS have objected to proposals for three homes in the grounds of a detached house in Cranford Avenue.

They express concerned about the siting of the linked homes and what is claimed to be a possible flood risk.

The application, for No 15, asks to divide the site in two and built three, three-bed linked homes each with undercroft parking.

One neighbour says the ridge height of the proposed building is higher than a block opposite which was designed to follow the contours of the land: “The site has a prominent position on the exit of Weymouth's largest car park complex and the proposed scale, bland design and overall mass and positioning of the proposed dwellings will overpower the area and dominate what is currently a tree filled green space,” says Tony Beeson in his objection

He says the proposal will also result in 17 windows overlooking his home and is also worried about the risk of flooding, claiming that the site and nearby land has often flooded over the past 36 years.

The flood concern is shared by another neighbour who says that the additional buildings will add to water run off which results in her garden being flooded in periods of heavy rain, with water reaching her house in 2012.

The A J Developments proposal is expected to be decided by a Dorset Council planning officer.