SO, a new “empire” now exults in humiliating our Prime Minister.

The pre-planned ambush this week by Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel should dispel any doubts as to what the EU stands for.

In a display of arrogance, Mr Bettel attempted to lure Mr Johnson to a joint press conference, which would have been drowned out by protesting Remainers.

Mr Johnson rightly declined, although the grand-standing continued, with Mr Bettel proceeding to empty-chair our Prime Minister, who he then berated over Brexit.

To be fair, this discourtesy has caused a backlash from other EU leaders, although they are, I suspect, more concerned about the EU’s image than Mr Johnson’s sensitivities.

That image took another hit at the Lib Dem conference, where the European Parliament’s Brexit co-ordinator, Guy Verhofstadt, spoke in praise of a European Empire, making it clear they would continue to thwart our efforts to leave.

The same man made his contempt for us clear in a BBC 4 documentary, Brexit: Behind Closed Doors, which regrettably had few viewers.

This week has seen another affront to democracy, with the Lib Dems voting to revoke Article 50 at their conference.

It’s hard to imagine a more illiberal and undemocratic act.

The move to prevent us becoming a sovereign nation is a strong one, backed by powerful people and organisations, and money.

Their view that we are stronger together is a flawed argument and one that reveals little understanding of our island history, or Europe’s for that matter.

Let’s not forget who fought for a free Europe, and not that long ago.

Outside the EU, the UK will be better placed to create the infrastructure we need to attract the wealth creators and, of course, to trade with and support our European allies and friends.