Hi readers, it’s Emily and William here, talking about reaching a half century.

That’s because, for me William, this is something I am looking forward to right now…..as yes, I will be 50 years old very soon!

I, Emily, can’t believe that William is going to be 50, as he still looks young, which isn’t a bad thing. He’s also very fit and active, which I think has helped keep him looking good. In fact he is only as young as he feels.

How do I, William, feel? Well, possibly about 40, and a bit shocked I’m early at the grand old age of 50.

So, what about the big day? It’s a Friday and luckily I don’t work that day, as I normally have a day off. It frees me up to do quality checks for People First Dorset, get my shopping and go for a walk.

I, Emily asked William about his ideal big birthday. Well, I William hope to have a lie in as I will have been out until late the night before with People First Dorset nightclubbing at Cameo in Bournemouth. Jo, who’s taking us all, might have got me a cake on the way home as it’s my birthday!

Once I’m up, I’ll open any cards I’ve received. I’d love to be spoilt by my friends and family. I expect my parents will ring, and my sister, so it will be good to speak with them.

I may go to Wetherspoons and have a fry up breakfast. If my doctor is reading this, I promise to walk home afterwards.

I’d like to go the pub in the evening with some of my friends. Emily and Laura have just been helping me plan my night so hopefully I can start the next half century with a bang!

n The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by The Friendship Club– a project for adults with learning disabilities, run by People First Dorset